Gray Codes and Parity
One of the most basic operations in \(\mathbb{G}\) is to check the parity of a number, to know whether it is even or odd. Several algorithms behave differently depending on the parity of a Gray, which makes the operation pretty fundamental to develop more evolved algorithms. As a small reminder, the parity of an integer can be defined as follows:
\[\begin{array}{ccccc} parity & : & \mathbb{N} & \longrightarrow & \{0, 1\} \end{array}\] \[\forall n \in \mathbb{N} : parity(n) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } n \equiv 0 \bmod 2\\ 1 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]Note that the name « parity function » is generally used for a function that returns whether the number of bits set in a bit vector is even or odd. I don’t know whether overloading functions is a thing in mathematical notation, but the concept should be obvious to most programmers, so we will add the following overload for \(parity\) that operates on \(\{0, 1\}^*\) and uses the overload of the function on \(\mathbb{N}\) as well as the function \(popcount\) that returns the number of bits set in a bit vector:
\[\begin{array}{ccccc} parity & : & \{0, 1\}^* & \longrightarrow & \{0, 1\} \end{array}\] \[\forall n \in \{0, 1\}^* : parity(n) = parity(popcount(n))\]Now let’s come back to Gray codes. Computing the parity of a Gray code is rather easy thanks to the following property:
\[\begin{array}{ccccc} parity & : & \mathbb{G} & \longrightarrow & \{0, 1\} \end{array}\] \[\forall n \in \mathbb{G} : parity(n) = parity(repr(n))\]Basically, a Gray code is even if the number of bits set in its representation is even, and it is odd when the numbers of bits set in its representation is odd. This property stems from a simple observation: one of the most fundamental properties of Gray codes is that adjacent values differ by a single bit, which means that the parity of the number of bits set in a Gray code always differs from that of its neighbours. The following lines give the inductive intuition needed to prove the property:
- \(repr(0_{\mathbb{G}}) = 0b0 \Rightarrow parity(0_{\mathbb{G}}) = parity(repr(0_{\mathbb{G}}))\);
- \(\forall n \in \mathbb{G} : parity(n) \ne parity(n+1)\) because \(\mathbb{G}\) models \(\mathbb{N}\);
- \(\forall n \in \mathbb{G} : parity(repr(n)) \ne parity(repr(n+1))\) because a single bit is flipped whenever a Gray code is incremented.
Assuming that the population count returns a value in \(\mathbb{B}\), computing its parity is just a matter of checking whether the last bit of its representation is equal to one or zero. However, the population count of an unsigned integer is typically an operation that runs in \(O(n)\), which is a bit expensive. Fortunately, there are several dedicated methods to compute the parity of a bit vector by hand. My favourite one is probably the one named « Compute parity in parallel », with the following simplified generic implementation:
template<typename Unsigned>
constexpr auto parity(Unsigned value)
-> bool
for (std::size_t i = std::numeric_limits<Unsigned>::digits / 2 ;
i > 0 ; i >>= 1)
value ^= (value >> i);
return static_cast<bool>(value & 1);
The reasoning behind this algorithm comes from the parity of a bit vector can be obtained by xoring together every bit. Let \(k\) be the number of bits in the bit vector, we have:
\[\begin{array}{ccccc} parity & : & \{0, 1\}^k & \longrightarrow & \{0, 1\} \end{array}\] \[\forall n \in \{0, 1\}^k : parity(n) = \bigoplus_{i=0}^{k-1} n_i\]The algorithm above does that in parallel: for a 32-bit vector, it xors the 16 most significant bits into the 16 least significant ones, then it only consider the remaining 16 least significant bits: it xors their 8 most significant bits into their 8 least significant bits, etc… until the least significant bit contains the result of xoring every bit together. It is a \(O(\log{n})\) algorithm while the naive algorithm to xor every bit runs in \(O(n)\). Now, the algorithm on Bit Twiddling Hacks contains an additional trick to reduce the number of instructions, which we can also add to our algorithm:
template<typename Unsigned>
constexpr auto parity(Unsigned value)
-> bool
for (std::size_t i = std::numeric_limits<Unsigned>::digits / 2 ;
i > 2 ; i >>= 1)
value ^= (value >> i);
value &= 0xf;
return static_cast<bool>(
(0b0110'1001'1001'0110 >> value) & 1
Once the number of remaining bits to xor together is 4, we isolate them with value &= 0xf
, and we are guaranteed to obtain
a number between \(0\) and \(15\). We build a build lookup table 0b0110'1001'1001'0110
where the bits correspond
to the parity of the bit vectors corresponding the numbers \(0_\mathbb{B}\) to \(15_\mathbb{B}\). We only have to
shift that lookup table by value
bits and the least significant bit of the result will correspond to the parity of
. We would need at least 256-bit integers to provide a lookup table big enough to strip a few more instructions.
Anyway, many compilers provide intrisics to query either the population count or the parity of a bit vector (well, as long
as we consider that a built-in integer is a bit vector). The cpp-gray library provides two functions to query the parity
of a gray_code
: is_odd
and is_even
. They are implemented as follows:
template<typename Unsigned>
constexpr auto is_odd(gray_code<Unsigned> code) noexcept
-> bool
// A Gray code is odd when the number of bits set in
// its representation is odd
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
// Compiler intrinsics tend to be the fastest
return static_cast<bool>(__builtin_parity(code.value));
for (std::size_t i = std::numeric_limits<Unsigned>::digits / 2 ;
i > 2 ; i >>= 1)
code.value ^= (code.value >> i);
code.value &= 0xf;
return static_cast<bool>(
(0b0110'1001'1001'0110 >> code.value) & 1
template<typename Unsigned>
constexpr auto is_even(gray_code<Unsigned> code) noexcept
-> bool
return not is_odd(code);
No parity
function is provided because is_odd
and is_even
feel clearer. The compilter intrinsic __builtin_parity
apparently calls architecture-specific popcnt
instructions when they can, making the whole thing faster than our handmade
algorithm, which is why we only use it as a fallback algorithm. I am no expert when it comes to other compilers, which is
why the use of intrinsics is limited to g++ and clang++. Another solution to compute the parity of a bit vector would have
been to use std::bitset::count
, which is the function in the standard library the most likely to map to a
native popcnt