Disclaimer: this article is far from a theorical one, it’s more of an optimization story, mostly taken from the corresponding Q&A on Code Review that I wrote a while ago.

Exit the trivial and simple operations: here comes the addition. Apparently adding two Gray codes without having to convert the operands to two’s complement integers, adding these integers and converting the result back to a Gray code is a problem that hasn’t been well-researched, probably due to the efficiency of the \(to\_gray\) and \(from\_gray\) operations, which allow us to perform the addition in \( O(\log{n}) \) time on usual architectures.

In this article, we present and optimize an addition algorithm described by R. W. Doran in The Gray Code and attributed to Harold Lucal. Here is the original pseudocode, taken straight from the aforementioned paper:

procedure add (n: integer; A,B:word; PA,PB:bit;
               var S:word; var PS:bit; var CE, CF:bit);
var i: integer; E, F, T: bit;
   E := PA; F := PB;
   for i:= 0 to n-1 do begin {in parallel, using previous inputs}
       S[i] := (E and F)  A[i]  B[i];
       E := (E and (not F))  A[i];
       F := ((not E) and F)  B[i];
   CE := E; CF := F;

This algorithm runs in \(O(n)\) time where \(n\) in the number of bits in the Gray code. Here is a naive C++ translation of the algorithm above, implemented using the cpp-gray library:

template<typename Unsigned>
auto operator+(gray_code<Unsigned> lhs, gray_code<Unsigned> rhs) noexcept
    -> gray_code<Unsigned>
    // parity of lhs and rhs
    bool lhs_p = is_odd(lhs);
    bool rhs_p = is_odd(rhs);

    gray_code<Unsigned> res{};
    for (Unsigned i{} ; i < std::numeric_limits<Unsigned>::digits ; ++i) {
        // Get the ith bit of rhs and lhs
        bool lhs_i = (lhs.value >> i) & 1u;
        bool rhs_i = (rhs.value >> i) & 1u;

        // Copy lhs_p and rhs_p (see {in parallel} in the original algorithm)
        bool lhs_p_cpy = lhs_p;
        bool rhs_p_cpy = rhs_p;

        // Set the ith bit of res
        Unsigned res_i = (lhs_p_cpy & rhs_p_cpy) ^ lhs_i ^ rhs_i;
        res |= (res_i << i);

        // Update e and f
        lhs_p = (lhs_p_cpy & (!rhs_p_cpy)) ^ lhs_i;
        rhs_p = ((!lhs_p_cpy) & rhs_p_cpy) ^ rhs_i;
    return res;

The rest of this article is composed of subsections describing various incremental benchmark-driven optimizations to this algorithm.

Loop invariants code motion

This is the name of an optimization performed by most compilers: when they detect code that actually does not depend on the state of the loop, they move it out of the loop. It’s not as obvious as the usual invariants, but let’s have a look at this line:

Unsigned res_i = (lhs_p_cpy & rhs_p_cpy) ^ lhs_i ^ rhs_i;

lhs_i and rhs_i correspond to the \(i_{th}\) bit of lhs and rhs. These bits do not depend on the loop (the loop does not change them) and can all be computed at once by performing lhs ^ rhs before running the loop. Therefore, we can simplify the function by moving their computation out of the loop. If we store them directly in res, we can even simplify the assignment to res to a mere res ^= res_i << i:

template<typename Unsigned>
auto operator+(gray_code<Unsigned> lhs, gray_code<Unsigned> rhs) noexcept
    -> gray_code<Unsigned>
    // parity of lhs and rhs
    bool lhs_p = is_odd(lhs);
    bool rhs_p = is_odd(rhs);

    gray_code<Unsigned> res = lhs ^ rhs;
    for (Unsigned i{} ; i < std::numeric_limits<Unsigned>::digits ; ++i) {
        // Get the ith bit of rhs and lhs
        bool lhs_i = (lhs.value >> i) & 1u;
        bool rhs_i = (rhs.value >> i) & 1u;

        // Copy lhs_p and rhs_p (see {in parallel} in the original algorithm)
        bool lhs_p_cpy = lhs_p;
        bool rhs_p_cpy = rhs_p;

        // Set the ith bit of res
        Unsigned res_i = lhs_p_cpy & rhs_p_cpy;
        res ^= res_i << i;

        // Update e and f
        lhs_p = (lhs_p_cpy & (!rhs_p_cpy)) ^ lhs_i;
        rhs_p = ((!lhs_p_cpy) & rhs_p_cpy) ^ rhs_i;
    return res;

Unfortunately, lhs_i and rhs_i are also used to compute the new values of lhs_p and rhs_p, so we can’t remove them from the body of the loop. If we are to optimize the algorithm even more, we will need something else, for example…

Getting rid of the temporaries

The part of the Gray addition which is likely to be be the slowest is the body of the for loop. To find a possible optimization, I decided to check whether it was possible to get rid of lhs_p_cpy and rhs_p_cpy, which are copies of lhs_p and rhs_p required to compute the new values of lhs_p and rhs_p. While it is easy to get rid of rhs_p_cpy by replacing it by rhs_p directly, getting rid of lhs_p_cpy is harder because lhs_p has already been updated in the meantime. Without any trickery, the following loop body is the best we can get:

Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
res ^= res_i << i;

bool lhs_p_cpy = lhs_p;
bool lhs_i = (lhs.value >> i) & 1u;
bool rhs_i = (rhs.value >> i) & 1u;
lhs_p = (lhs_p_cpy & not rhs_p) ^ lhs_i;
rhs_p = (rhs_p & not lhs_p_cpy) ^ rhs_i;

Therefore, I decided to build some truth tables. In the following table, \(lhs_{old}\) and \(rhs_{old}\) are possible values of lhs_p and rhs_p before the update while \(lhs_{new}\) and \(rhs_{new}\) are the values of the same variables after the update. I did not take any interest in lhs_i and rhs_i since none of them is used to compute both \(lhs_{new}\) and \(rhs_{new}\); therefore, I just ignore them in the rest of this reflection.

\[\begin{array} {|cc|cc|} \hline lhs_{old} & rhs_{old} & lhs_{new} & rhs_{new} \\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ \hline \end{array}\]

We can easily replace lhs_p_cpy by \(lhs_{old}\) in the computation of \(lhs_{new}\) but we can’t use it to compute \(rhs_{new}\) since the update already occured. My first thought to get rid of lhs_p_cpy was « can we compute \(rhs_{new}\) with only \(rhs_{old}\) and \(lhs_{new}\)? ». Looking at the truth table above, it appears that it is not possible. Trying to compute \(rhs_{new}\) before \(lhs_{new}\) doesn’t solve the problem either.

However, we have already computed another value in the loop: res_i. Injecting \(res_i\) in the previous truth table yields the following table:

\[\begin{array} {|cc|c|cc|} \hline lhs_{old} & rhs_{old} & res_i = lhs_{old} \land rhs_{old} & lhs_{new} & rhs_{new} \\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ \hline \end{array}\]

We can infer from this « truth table » that \(rhs_{old} \land \lnot lhs_{old} = rhs_{old} \land \lnot res_i\). If we inject this new discovery back in the code, we can use it to totally get rid of lhs_p_cpy:

Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
res ^= res_i << i;

bool lhs_i = (lhs.value >> i) & 1u;
bool rhs_i = (rhs.value >> i) & 1u;
lhs_p = (lhs_p & not rhs_p) ^ lhs_i;
rhs_p = (rhs_p & not res_i) ^ rhs_i;

By the way res_i can also be used to compute \(lhs_{new}\) so that the code looks more symmetrical (even though it does not improve the performance):

Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
res ^= res_i << i;

bool lhs_i = (lhs.value >> i) & 1u;
bool rhs_i = (rhs.value >> i) & 1u;
lhs_p = (lhs_p & not res_i) ^ lhs_i;
rhs_p = (rhs_p & not res_i) ^ rhs_i;

With all optimizations turned on, this code is a little bit faster than the previous version, but it’s still far from being as efficient as the version which converts the Gray code operands to a two’s complement integer, performs an integer addition then converts the result back to a Gray code. Additional twisting will be needed to optimize this algorithm even more.

Find a better end condition

Currently, the algorithm loops over every bit in res before ending. It might be possible to end the loop sooner, so let’s have a look at a new huge truth table that we will use for the rest of the article. For the sake of brevity, I used the names from the original pseudocode to name the columns. I hope that the parallel with the variable names in the code isn’t too hard to make (\(A = lhs_i\), \(B = rhs_i\), \(E_{old} = lhs_p\), \(F_{old} = rhs_p\), \(S = A \oplus B \oplus res_i\), \(E_{new} = lhs_p'\), \(F_{new} = rhs_p'\))

\[\begin{array} {|cccc|cc|cc|} \hline A & B & E_{old} & F_{old} & A \oplus B & S & E_{new} & F_{new}\\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ \hline 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ \hline \end{array}\]

Looking at the very first line of that table, we can see that when \(A = B = E_{old} = F_{old} = 0\), we have \(S = E_{new} = F_{new} = 0\), which means that since our result was filled with \(A \oplus B\) right from the start, then we can stop the loop when the aforementioned condition is met (everything equals \(0\)) since the following bits will always be \(0\). An easy way to do so is to “consume” lhs and rhs in the code with right shifts so that they eventually reach \(0b0\) and to change the loop condition with bitwise ORs (here, only the for is exposed loop for the sake of brevity):

for (Unsigned i{} ;
     lhs | rhs | lhs_p | rhs_p ;
     ++i, lhs >>= 1u, rhs >>= 1u) {
    Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
    res ^= res_i << i;

    bool lhs_i = lhs.value & 1u;
    bool rhs_i = rhs.value & 1u;
    lhs_p = (lhs_p & not res_i) ^ lhs_i;
    rhs_p = (rhs_p & not res_i) ^ rhs_i;

While it might reduce the running time of the algorithm for small values (a higher most significant set bit means a bigger value in Gray code), lhs | rhs | lhs_p | rhs_p is still a bunch of operations by itself for a loop condition. Our goal is to stop the loop iterating when all of these variables are \(0\). One thing we can do is find before the loop which of lhs and rhs has the highest set bit and loop until that one is consumed. Since both lhs and rhs are consumed at the same speed, when the one with the highest set bit is consumed, the other one has already been consumed, so we only have to check whether the biggest of the two is \(0\). We can easily find which one has the highest bit by checking which one has the biggest value when considering the underlying bits as a two’s complement integer. Here is the algorithm once modified:

template<typename Unsigned>
auto operator+(gray_code<Unsigned> lhs, gray_code<Unsigned> rhs) noexcept
    -> gray_code<Unsigned>
    // Make sure lhs.value has the highest set bit
    if (lhs.value < rhs.value) {
        swap(lhs, rhs);

    // parity of lhs and rhs
    bool lhs_p = is_odd(lhs);
    bool rhs_p = is_odd(rhs);

    gray_code<Unsigned> res = lhs ^ rhs;
    for (Unsigned i{} ;
         lhs | lhs_p | rhs_p ;
         ++i, lhs >>= 1u, rhs >>= 1u) {
        Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
        res ^= res_i << i;

        bool lhs_i = lhs.value & 1u;
        bool rhs_i = rhs.value & 1u;
        lhs_p = (lhs_p & not res_i) ^ lhs_i;
        rhs_p = (rhs_p & not res_i) ^ rhs_i;
    return res;

Have a better look at the truth table

From the big truth table we built, we can see that when \(A = B = 0\), the only time when \(S = 1\) is when \(E_{old} = F_{old} = 1\). However, when \(A = B = 0\), we can also see that \(E_{new}\) and \(F_{new}\) can never be \(1\) at the same time. That means that once lhs and rhs are consumed, res can change only one more time and only if (lhs_p & rhs_p) is true. Therefore, we can extract the lhs_p | rhs_p part from the loop condition and apply exactly one res assignment after the loop (I used a while loop since the for loop was becoming a bit messy for the job):

template<typename Unsigned>
auto operator+(gray_code<Unsigned> lhs, gray_code<Unsigned> rhs) noexcept
    -> gray_code<Unsigned>
    // Make sure lhs.value has the highest set bit
    if (lhs.value < rhs.value) {
        std::swap(lhs, rhs);

    // parity of lhs and rhs
    bool lhs_p = is_odd(lhs);
    bool rhs_p = is_odd(rhs);

    gray_code<Unsigned> res = lhs ^ rhs;
    Unsigned i{};
    while (lhs) {
        Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
        res ^= res_i << i;

        bool lhs_i = lhs.value & 1u;
        bool rhs_i = rhs.value & 1u;
        lhs_p = (lhs_p & not res_i) ^ lhs_i;
        rhs_p = (rhs_p & not res_i) ^ rhs_i;

        lhs >>= 1u;
        rhs >>= 1u;
    // Last value in case lhs_p and rhs_p are 1
    res ^= (lhs_p & rhs_p) << i;
    return res;

Sometimes, more is less

Currently, we use the fact that at some point both lhs and rhs will eventually become \(0\) and that only one modification can occur right after this point. However, we don’t use the fact that at some point rhs is \(0\) while lhs might not yet be totally consumed. We can actually write two loops instead of one: one loop that runs until the smallest of lhs.value and rhs.value is \(0\), and another that runs until the other one reaches \(0\). The second loop can be simplified since we know that one rhs (the smallest value from the std::swap) is \(0\) during the iteration:

template<typename Unsigned>
auto operator+(gray_code<Unsigned> lhs, gray_code<Unsigned> rhs) noexcept
    -> gray_code<Unsigned>
    // Make sure lhs.value has the highest set bit
    if (lhs.value < rhs.value) {
        std::swap(lhs, rhs);

    // parity of lhs and rhs
    bool lhs_p = is_odd(lhs);
    bool rhs_p = is_odd(rhs);

    gray_code<Unsigned> res = lhs ^ rhs;
    Unsigned i{};
    while (rhs) {
        Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
        res ^= res_i << i;

        bool lhs_i = lhs.value & 1u;
        bool rhs_i = rhs.value & 1u;
        lhs_p = (lhs_p & not res_i) ^ lhs_i;
        rhs_p = (rhs_p & not res_i) ^ rhs_i;

        lhs >>= 1u;
        rhs >>= 1u;

    // We know that rhs is 0 now, let's get rid of it
    while (lhs) {
        Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
        res ^= res_i << i;

        bool lhs_i = lhs.value & 1u;
        lhs_p = (lhs_p & not res_i) ^ lhs_i;
        rhs_p = rhs_p & not res_i;

        lhs >>= 1u;

    // Last value in case lhs_p and rhs_p are 1
    res ^= (lhs_p & rhs_p) << i;
    return res;

Rethink the logic

The second loop can be rethought as “what happens when res_i is \(0\) and what happens when it is \(1\)”? In terms of code, with some simplifications applied, it yields the following loop:

while (lhs) {
    Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
    bool lhs_i = lhs.value & 1u;

    if (res_i) {
        res ^= res_i << i;
        lhs_p = lhs_i;
        rhs_p = false;
    } else {
        lhs_p ^= lhs_i;

    lhs >>= 1u;

While this algorithm is actually generally slower than the previous one because of branching, it permits to realize some interesting things: one of the branches always sets rhs_p to false and cannot be executed when rhs_p == false. The other branch does not update rhs_p which means that the loop can be uderstood as « do stuff while rhs_p is true », so we can rewrite the original second loop (not the new transformed second loop) as follows:

while (rhs_p) {
    res ^= lhs_p << i;
    rhs_p = not lhs_p;
    lhs_p = lhs.value & 1u;

    lhs >>= 1u;

Many simplifications have been applied since we know during this loop that rhs_p == true. We end up with a second loop in the algorithm almost free compared to the first one, which means that when we add a number with a big highest set bit to one with a small highest set bit, it could perform significantly faster than the previous versions. Also note that since the last loop ends when rhs_p == false, then rhs_p & lhs_p is always false in the post-last-loop operation, so we can get rid of it altogether.

Now, we can observe that the loop updates res with lhs_p until rhs_p is false. However, rhs_p is set to not lhs_p which means that res is updated with lhs_p while lhs_p is \(0\) except for the last iteration. In other words, res is meaningfully updated only once since when we reach lhs_p == 1, we leave the loop right after the next iteration. So we can tweak the loop to kick the res update out of it:

if (rhs_p) {
    while (not lhs_p) {
        lhs_p = lhs.value & 1u;
        lhs >>= 1u;
    res ^= lhs_p << i;

Combined one after the other, these optimizations leave us with the following algorithm:

template<typename Unsigned>
auto operator+(gray_code<Unsigned> lhs, gray_code<Unsigned> rhs) noexcept
    -> gray_code<Unsigned>
    if (lhs.value < rhs.value) {
        std::swap(lhs, rhs);

    bool lhs_p = is_odd(lhs);
    bool rhs_p = is_odd(rhs);

    gray_code<Unsigned> res = lhs ^ rhs;
    Unsigned i{};
    // Algorithm until the smallest number is zero
    while (rhs) {
        Unsigned res_i = lhs_p & rhs_p;
        res ^= res_i << i;

        bool lhs_i = lhs.value & 1u;
        bool rhs_i = rhs.value & 1u;
        lhs_p = (lhs_p & not res_i) ^ lhs_i;
        rhs_p = (rhs_p & not res_i) ^ rhs_i;

        lhs >>= 1u;
        rhs >>= 1u;
    // Algorithm until the largest number is zero
    if (rhs_p) {
        while (not lhs_p) {
            lhs_p = lhs.value & 1u;
            lhs >>= 1u;
        res ^= lhs_p << i;
    return res;

While this is the most versatile and optimized version of the algorithm since the beginning of this answer, it is still an order of magnitude slower than converting the Gray code operands to two’s complement integers, performing a regular addition and converting the result back to a Gray code. Which isn’t surprising either since we’re comparing a \(O(n)\) algorithm to a \(O(\log{n})\) one in the end.

It’s also worth noting that this algorithm does not provide a circular behaviour on overflow.