The previous article introduced the notation needed to understand Gray code algorithms from a pseudo-formal point of view. This new article presents the other side of the coin: the cpp-gray C++ library that we will be using to implement the different algorithms, and more specifically the design of the gray_code class template.

Basic operations

cpp-gray is the second part of the project, this blog being the first. It is a C++14 library designed to easily manipulate unsigned integer types with bits arranged in Gray code order rather than in « natural binary » order. The class template gray_code wraps a built-in integer of a given type and ensures that its bits are always organized in Gray code order. gray_code can be constructed from an unsigned integer of the wrapped type or from a bool instance, and has an explicit conversion operator to transform the Gray code back to an unsigned integer with the same value. The class template can be summarized as follows:

template<typename Unsigned>
struct gray_code
                  "gray_code only supports built-in unsigned integers");

    // Underlying unsigned integer type
    using value_type = Unsigned;

    // Unsigned integer used to store the Gray code
    value_type value;

    // Construction operations
    constexpr gray_code() noexcept;
    constexpr explicit gray_code(value_type value) noexcept;
        std::size_t N,
        typename = std::enable_if_t<(N >= std::numeric_limits<value_type>::digits)>
    explicit gray_code(const std::bitset<N>& value) noexcept;
    constexpr explicit gray_code(bool b) noexcept;

    // Assignment operations
    constexpr auto operator=(value_type other) & noexcept
        -> gray_code&;
        std::size_t N,
        typename = std::enable_if_t<(N >= std::numeric_limits<value_type>::digits)>
    auto operator=(std::bitset<N> other) & noexcept
        -> gray_code&;
    constexpr auto operator=(bool other) & noexcept
        -> gray_code&;

    // Conversion operations
    constexpr explicit operator value_type() const noexcept;
    template<std::size_t N>
    constexpr explicit operator std::bitset<N>() const noexcept;
    constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

template<typename Unsigned>
constexpr auto swap(gray_code<Unsigned>& lhs, gray_code<Unsigned>& rhs) noexcept
    -> void;

The goal of gray_code is to be just like another unsigned integer type, minus the implicit conversion, except that users manipulate a Gray code representation instead of a « natural binary » representation. When translating algorithms to code examples, we will typically use unsigned for \( \mathbb{B} \) and gray_code<unsigned> for \( \mathbb{G} \).

All of the available operations are designed so that unsigned and gray_code<unsigned> are equivalent to each other: when trying to use both at once in a binary operation, users will likely need to convert one to the other first. For example, if b is an unsigned and g is a gray_code<unsigned>, the expression b ^ g won’t compile. Users will need to decide the type of the result they want, e.g. they will need to write b ^ g.value if they want to get an unsigned result. However, augmented operations such as b ^= g work out of the box since the resulting type is unambiguous. The lack of implicit conversions between unsigned and gray_code<unsigned> helps to enforce this rule. The types unsigned and gray_code<unsigned> can be thought of as either proper unsigned integers—in which case one needs to use the converting constructor and conversion operator to get the different representations of the same integral value—or as collections of bits. One can construct an unsigned with the bits of a gray_code<unsigned> by accessing the public member variable gray_code::value; however there is currently no way to construct a gray_code<unsigned> directly from the bits of an unsigned. gray_code::operator= also transforms the passed unsigned into a Gray code instead of reinterpreting its bits.

A gray_code can be initialized from an std::bitset of any size smaller than the number of digits of the underlying unsigned integer. Since bits do matter, this overload is useful to construct the Gray code directly from the expected bit vector. It is also possible to explicitly convert the Gray code to an std::bitset.

Any gray_code specialization also handles bool values thanks to an interesting observation: true and false in C++ respectively have the binary representations \( 0b1 \) and \( 0b0 \), which also happen to be the binary representations of \( 1\mathbb{B} \) and \( 0\mathbb{B} \) as well as those of \( 1\mathbb{G} \) and \( 0\mathbb{G} \). This means that we can safely convert true to \( 1\mathbb{G} \) and false to \( 0\mathbb{G} \) without even having to apply any conversion algorithm. The explicit conversion to bool mainly exists to convert a gray_code into a logical value, where \( 0_\mathbb{G} \) converts to false and any other value converts to true.

Bitwise operations

When using bitwise operations, gray_code is considered as a mere sequence of bits, and bitwise operations can be performed between it and other suitable sequences of bits. gray_code handles binary bitwise operations between three kinds of types:

  • Between two gray_code instances with the same value_type. In this case the bitwise operations are performed on their value member variable. The operations &, |, ^, &=, |= and ^= are supported.
  • Between a gray_code<T> and a T. In this case the bitwise operations are performed between the T instance and the value member variable of the gray_code. The operations &=, |= and ^= are supported and the return type is that of the left operand. The operations &, | and ^ are not supported because there is no « obvious » return type.
  • Between a gray_code and a bool. In this case the bool instance is considered as either \( 0\mathbb{G} \) or \( 1\mathbb{G} \) depending on its value, and the bitwise operation is performed between that and the value member variable of gray_code. The operations &, |, ^, &=, |= and ^= are supported and always return a gray_code. The operations &=, |= and ^= when the left operand is a bool.

The shift operators >>, <<, >>= and <<= are also overloaded so that they can take a gray_code as left operand and an std::size_t as right operand, and return a gray_code whose value has been shifted by the given amount of bits. There wasn’t an obvious type to select for the right operand so I decided to follow the design choice of the standard library, which uses std::size_t for the right operand of std::bitset’s shift operators.

The bitwise operator ~ can also be applied to gray_code, in which case the result is another gray_code whose value member variable corresponds to ~ applied to the original one.

Comparison operations

When using comparison operations, a gray_code instance is considered to be an integral value instead of a mere chain of bits. The operators == and != are overloaded to handle two kinds of scenarios:

  • When comparing two gray_code instances with the same underlying type, the result is that of the comparison operator applied to their value member variable.
  • When comparing a gray_code<T> instance g and a T instance b, the result of the comparison is equivalent to the comparison performed between static_cast<T>(g) and b. The side of the operator on which b appears does not matter.

The operators == and != are not overloaded to handle the comparison between a gray_code and a bool, mostly because they do not make much sense. The remaining comparison operators <, >, <= and >= are not overloaded because no fast algorithm to compute them is known; see the next section for more details.

Arithmetic operations

When using arithmetic operations, a gray_code instance is considered to be an integral value instead of a mere chain of bits. Only a handful of arithmetic operations are handled because of a specific design choice in cpp-gray: such an operation on gray_code is only implemented when it can be made faster than converting the gray_code instance(s) to a regular built-in type instance(s), performing the equivalent operation on a built-in type and converting the result back to a gray_code instance. This requirement is pretty tough to meet because the conversions between T and gray_code<T> are really fast as we will see in another article, and beating them with raw operations on gray_code is hard. Because of that design choice, only the following few arithmetic operations are actually implemented for gray_code:

  • The increment and decrement operators ++ and --. Both of them allow to use either the prefix of postfix overload.
  • The free functions is_even and is_odd that allow to query the parity of a gray_code.

Subsequent articles will describe the algorithms used to compute these arithmetic operations as well as a few more that either too slow to be included in the library, or too specific to have dedicated functions (for example multiplying a gray_code by \( 3 \) in \( O(1) \) on some specific processor architectures).


What’s a library introduction without a small example? The following snippet showcases some things that are doable directly in the Gray code domain with gray_code:

using cppgray::gray_code;

auto gr = gray_code<unsigned>(24u);
unsigned u = gr;        // u == 24u (0b11000)
unsigned g = gr.value;  // g == 20u (0b10100)

++u; ++gr;
assert(u == gr);

To be honest, there isn’t much to showcase yet and the library really isn’t evolving at a fast pace considering that any other fast Gray code algorithm has yet to be discovered. If any new algorithm makes its way into the library, it will surely be documented here, and will probably have a dedicated article to describe it as well.